
May 6(Lunar calendar: March 28 ), 2024 Monday | Dawnxisoul393art

      《Oil Pastels Painting  for " International No Diet Day "  》, by dawnxisoul393art Emma sighed as she looked at the bathroom scale, the number had gone up again. She had tried every diet in the book but just couldn't stick to any. Emma was frustrated and on the verge of giving up. Just then her best friend called, "Hey Emma, did you realize today is International No Diet Day? Let's go out for some ice cream to celebrate our beautiful bodies as they are." Emma was thrilled to hear this, she decided it was time to accept herself. International No Diet Day was created in 1992 to promote body acceptance and the idea that our worth is unrelated to our size or shape. The diet industry thrives on our insecurities, propagating unrealistic beauty standards and convincing people that they must diet to be happy. This special day aims to fight back against these toxic messages. Everyone deserves to feel comfortable and confident in the body they have. No Diet Day is

April 22(Lunar calendar: March 14 ), 2024 Monday | Dawnxisoul393art

     《Oil Pastels Painting  for " International Mother Earth Day "  》, by dawnxisoul393art Sara sighed as she sat stuck in traffic, surrounded by countless cars spewing exhaust. She gazed up at the hazy, polluted sky, longing for the days when the air was clear and the natural world seemed pristine. Lately, it felt like everything was slowly being choked by pollution and artificiality. These worsening environmental issues were what prompted the United Nations to designate April 22 as International Mother Earth Day back in 2009. The day was established under Resolution A/RES/63/278 as a way to promote living in harmony with nature. International Mother Earth Day has its roots in the original Earth Day celebrations started in 1970 to support environmental protection. Activist John McConnell led efforts to honor the Earth and promote peace on this day each spring. In 2009, the UN expanded on his vision by formally establishing April 22 as Mother Earth Day on an international sca

April 7 (Lunar calendar: Feburary 29 ), 2024 Sunday | Dawnxisoul393art

    《Oil Pastels Painting  for " National Crayon Day "  》, by dawnxisoul393art I Anna was rummaging through her attic one day, looking for some old blankets, when she stumbled upon a dusty shoebox. She opened it up to find dozens of crayons, still intact despite the years that had passed. Vivid memories came flooding back of countless hours spent coloring at the kitchen table as a little girl. The familiar smell of wax and pigment brought a smile to her face. She decided then and there that she would share this small joy with her own children to celebrate National Crayon Day. National Crayon Day commemorates the birthday of Edwin Binney, the inventor of the first dustless chalk in 1902. Binney, along with his cousin C. Harold Smith, began Binney & Smith, later becoming Crayola. Their first product was a box of eight crayons that sold for a nickel. The company today produces 3 billion crayons per year in a vibrant palette of over 150 colors. The simple crayon plays an impo

April 1 (Lunar calendar: Feburary 23 ), 2024 Monday | Dawnxisoul393art

     《Oil Pastels Painting  for " International Fun at Work Day "  》, by dawnxisoul393art It was just another regular day at the office for John. As John walked through the hallway with a cup of coffee in his hand, he noticed something strange. His usually serious boss was wearing a clown wig and blowing up balloons. John rubbed his eyes in disbelief. It was April 1st, International Fun at Work Day. International Fun at Work Day started in 1996 as a way to boost employee morale and productivity. The idea originated in the UK but has since spread to workplaces around the world. Studies have shown that occasional fun and laughter at work can help reduce stress, improve creativity, and build closer bonds between coworkers. While some view workplace fun with skepticism, many companies are realizing its benefits. International Fun at Work Day gives workplaces an opportunity to do team-building in a lighthearted way. Whether through games, costumes, decorations, or food, people aro

March 28(Lunar calendar: Feburary 19 ), 2024 Thursday | Dawnxisoul393art

      《Oil Pastels Painting  for " Respect Your Cat Day "  》, by dawnxisoul393art Mittens was a shy cat who didn't like strangers. When the doorbell rang, she would hide under the bed. Jill, Mittens' owner, wanted to help Mittens become more comfortable around new people. On March 28, Respect Your Cat Day, Jill decided to invite a few friends over to properly introduce them to Mittens. Jill's friends came over bearing gifts of catnip toys and treats. They sat down on the living room floor and Jill brought Mittens out from under the bed. At first, Mittens was skittish. But Jill's friends were patient and calm, letting Mittens come to them in her own time. They extended their hands slowly, allowing Mittens to sniff them. Within a few minutes, Mittens was rubbing up against them and purring. By the end of the visit, Mittens was playing with her new toys and friends. Respect Your Cat Day was founded in 2004 to raise awareness about treating cats with kindness, com

March 27 (Lunar calendar: Feburary 18 ), 2024 Wednesday | Dawnxisoul393art

    《Oil Pastels Painting  for " International Whiskey "  》, by dawnxisoul393art John swirled the smoky amber liquid in his glass, savoring its complex aromas of vanilla, dried fruits and peat smoke. A memory jolted him - tonight was International Whiskey Day. The history of International Whisky Day is closely related to the history of this beverage. Distillation is a chemical process, which has existed since Babylonian times. First, malt syrup is made by heating grain and water to convert starch into sugar. This is because the type of grain used in the distillation process determines the final whisky. International Whisky Day was founded in 2009 at the Northern Netherlands Whisky Festival. In memory of the great whisky writer Michael James Jackson, International Whisky Day was born. In order to commemorate the birthday of Michael James Jackson, born on March 27th, 1942. Established in 2012, the holiday is celebrated annually on March 27th to recognize whiskey's profound

March 25 (Lunar calendar: Feburary 16 ), 2024 Monday | Dawnxisoul393art

   《Oil Pastels Painting  for " International Day of the Unborn Child "  》, by dawnxisoul393art Marie's smile radiated as she gently placed her hand on her growing baby bump, feeling the fluttering movements within. "They seem extra lively today," she joyfully remarked to her husband. Glancing at the calendar, she noticed it marked a special occasion: the International Day of the Unborn Child. Originating in 2008 from the efforts of anti-abortion groups, this annual event, celebrated on March 25th, sought to honor and emphasize the intrinsic value of prenatal life. It emerged as a response to the prevailing notion that early fetal development was merely tissue, disregarding the profound humanity taking shape. As evening fell, Marie eagerly attended an art display organized by a local pregnancy center, held in commemoration of this meaningful day. Ultrasound images adorned the walls, unveiling the miraculous intricacies of tiny limbs and delicate fingers at vario

March 24 (Lunar calendar: Feburary 15 ), 2024 Sunday | Dawnxisoul393art

  《Oil Pastels Painting  for "World Tuberculosis Day"  》, by dawnxisoul393art Cindy coughed weakly into her handkerchief, dreading another long day in the sanatorium. A gentle knock came at the door. "Miss, there's a visitor with news about a new treatment - it's World TB Day!" World Tuberculosis Day occurs annually on March 24th, commemorating the day in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes TB. The World Health Organization began commemoration efforts in 1982 to raise public awareness. In 1982, on the occasion of the centenary of Robert koch's speech, the International Union to Combat Tuberculosis and Lung Disease proposed to declare March 24th as the official World Tuberculosis Day. More than a decade later, the World Health Assembly of WHO and the United Nations officially recognized World Tuberculosis Day as an annual activity. In autumn 1995, WHO and the Royal Dutch Tuberculosis F

March 23 (Lunar calendar: Feburary 14 ), 2024 Saturday | Dawnxisoul393art

《Oil Pastels Painting  for "Cuddly Kitten Day" 》, by dawnxisoul393art Molly was having a rough day at work. Her boss was upset with her for missing a deadline and her coworkers were irritable. She felt stressed and discouraged. When she got home that evening, Molly was greeted by Mittens, her fluffy 3-month-old tabby kitten. Mittens meowed happily and rolled onto her back, begging for belly rubs. Molly picked up Mittens and cuddled her close, burying her face in Mittens' soft fur. She felt her troubles melt away as Mittens purred contently. Cuddly Kitten Day on March 23rd was created to honor the joy that kittens bring into our lives. Their playfulness, affection, and snuggles brighten even the darkest of days and relieve stress and anxiety. Despite their small size, kittens have an incredible ability to comfort and support human emotional well-being. Spending just 15 minutes cuddling a kitten releases oxytocin, lowers blood pressure, and decreases levels of the stress ho

March 17 (Lunar calendar: Feburary 8 ), 2024 Sunday | Dawnxisoul393art

《Oil Pastels Painting  for " World Sleep Day " 》, by dawnxisoul393art Jenny was exhausted. She had been burning the candle at both ends for months, working long hours at her job as a consultant and staying up late binge-watching her favorite shows. She barely had time to sleep, usually just collapsing into bed at 1am and struggling out of bed again at 6am. On her way to work, Jenny stopped for her usual morning coffee but found herself nodding off in the line. She realized this couldn't continue - she desperately needed to catch up on sleep. It turned out she chose the perfect day to make that realization - March 17, World Sleep Day. World Sleep Day is an annual event organized by the World Sleep Society to raise awareness of the importance of sleep for health, education and productivity. The first World Sleep Day was held in 2008. Sleep experts came together to highlight the fact that lack of sleep is now considered a global epidemic, with over 45% of the world's pop

March 16 (Lunar calendar: Feburary 7 ), 2024 Saturday | Dawnxisoul393art

《Oil Pastels Painting  for " Save the Florida Panther Day " 》, by dawnxisoul393art The morning sun filtered through the cypress trees as Mark canoed down the Turner River in the Florida Everglades. An osprey circled overhead, scanning the swampy waters with keen eyes. As Mark rounded a bend, he suddenly spotted a rare sight - a female Florida panther crouched on the bank, drinking from the river. She lifted her tawny head, golden eyes blinking at the intruder. Mark's breath caught in his throat. With only 120 panthers left in the wild, he knew he was beholding one of the rarest animals on Earth. Save the Florida Panther Day, observed every third Saturday of March, aims to raise awareness about the critically endangered panther. In 1967, only 12 panthers remained due to hunting, habitat loss and pesticides poisoning the food chain. The panther was classified as one of the first endangered species protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973.  Aggressive conservation

March 15 (Lunar calendar: Feburary 6 ), 2024 Friday | Dawnxisoul393art

      《Oil Pastels Painting  for " International Redefining Wealth Day " 》, by dawnxisoul393art Alice looked out of the window at the rolling hills surrounding her farm. The morning sun bathed the undulating sea of green in a golden glow. A flock of birds chirped and flew by, riding the currents of the wind. She smiled, feeling a deep sense of peace and contentment. Her little farm may not produce much, but it was enough for her needs. She had fresh air, clean water, hearty food, shelter, community and purpose - true measures of wealth in her eyes. International Redefining Wealth Day on March 15 invites people to reconsider how they view wealth and success. Traditionally, wealth has been measured by the accumulation and consumption of money and material goods. But this narrow definition of wealth is unsustainable and damaging to society and the planet. In 2015, ecological economics professor Mark Anielski founded this day as an opportunity for people to reflect on what really